Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Generic Brand, Product Placement, Store Brand

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Mos chapter 9 designing marketing strategies and marketing mix. The essence of marketing is managing and developing products and brands that meet the needs of target markets. Product: a good, a service or an idea consisting of tangible and intangible features. I(cid:374)ta(cid:374)gi(cid:271)le attri(cid:271)utes = aspe(cid:272)ts that (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e tou(cid:272)hed (cid:894)ho(cid:449) it (cid:373)akes you feel(cid:895: but even offline products have an internet presence. Example: kellogg"s is a(cid:374) offli(cid:374)e produ(cid:272)t (cid:271)ut still has so(cid:272)ial (cid:373)edia prese(cid:374)(cid:272)e a(cid:374)d a website. Customer considerations when purchasing: product quality, value, durability, necessity, convenience, customer service, brand name, environment factors, ethnical approaches. Non-durable good: an item that does not last and is consumed only once, or for a limited number of times. For example, a bag of popcorn or fuel. Durable good: an item that lasts over an extended number of uses. Primary service is what the company is actually providing (i. e. getting a massage)