Management and Organizational Studies 3384A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: 16Pf Questionnaire, Motor Coordination, Strong Interest Inventory

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Valid employment tests can play an integral part of their selection battery, providing important insights into the job applicant"s personality, values, and work ethic. One study showed that personality tests are now commonly used to select middle mgmt employees, and aptitude tests are common for white-collar nonprofessional jobs. Nearly 50% of employers use at least one paper-and-pencil test. Employment tests have been found to be objective, valid, and versatile in several settings. Well-designed tests provide a fair and objective basis for assessing an applicant"s potential, since the assessor"s bias, background, and perceptual inaccuracies do not influence the test scores. Interviews, reference checks, and other personal evaluation methods are vulnerable to the stereotypes, personal biases, and perceptual limitations of the evaluator. In contrast, tests are administered under standardized conditions by trained staff. Further, because of the objective nature of test scores, they can be more easily interpreted and combined with other predictors than reference letters or other personal evaluations.