[Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 50 pages long Study Guide!

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M e d i a , i n f o rm a t i o n a n d te c h n o c u l t u re 2 2 0 0 f / g. The central argument of orientalism is that the way we acquire the knowledge of oriental people is not innocent or objective but the end result of a process that reflects certain interests. He argues that we look at the countries and the peoples of the middle east through a specific lens that distorts the actual reality of those places and people. He calls this lens through which we view that part of the world, orientalism. So orientalism is essentially a framework that we use to understand the unfamiliar. Orientalist discourse arises from a particular political culture and is defined by the pre assumptions of that political culture.