Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Banania, Complete Control, Robert Mapplethorpe

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Discusses the separaion between femaleness and femininity. Sex refers to the biological diferences between males and females, and remains consistent across ime. Gender refers to the cultural diferences between femininity and masculinity, and is historically speciic. Gender intersects with sexuality, class, race, ethnicity, generaion, and other forms of social diference. Diferent versions of gender exist even within a given historical moment. Versions of gender are hierarchized: some forms of femininity and masculinity are privileged over others. These forms of discourse teach us how to behave. Help us understand what gender is and how it is lived out. It is understood that the fact of being a man is not a paricularity . Man is the abstract, the general, the absolute human type . Woman is the paricular, the speciic, a deviaion. He is the subject; he is the absolute. Male is the default seing and the woman deviates from the default.