Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Westphalian Sovereignty, Leviathan, Totalitarianism

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Document Summary

State combines family (particular altruism) and civil society (universal egoism - associating with others for a purpose). Organizational approach: different institutions make up the state. Territory, people (common political / social existence), sovereignty (authority within territory), domination (monopoly of coercion), legitimacy. The state must protect its people from each other as well as external threats (borders) Sovereignty: allows states to make rules to protect the people from each other. The emergence of the dual state: with the decline of Feudalism - war caused rulers to strengthen their states. The universal church: protestant reformation divided christianity and caused violence so great that order was needed. Examines state interactions in absence of rules and enforcement. Pluralist state: social power is widely and evenly dispersed, elected government leads the way, state is neutral. Capitalist state: social power is unequal and concentrated, economy creates hierarchy, state bias in favour of dominant class. Patriarchal state: social power is unequal and concentrated.