Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Justice As Fairness, On Liberty, Hard Power

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What is the state? (nation is community of belief) A state is a political community, also a territorial communities (borders are specific) Sovereignty (final decision making authority), including monopoly of legitimate violence. Who rules: one, few or many. In whose interest: in the ruler"s interests, in the interests of the governed. Power can take several forms (sticks, carrots hard power) (manipulation, persuasion soft power) Imagine life without the state and political power. Powerful state is needed to avoid disastrous interpersonal conflict. Lack of trust: safety (diffidence, you don"t know if people are threats or not, this is preventative) Glory: reputation (we care about what others think of us) Fundamental law: seek peace, if you can get it. Second law: lay down your natural right to do whatever"s necessary, if other"s do. Locke has a different account of the natural rights than hobbes! Some lack power to enforce law of nature. Not trying to justify the state, he"s giving a history.