Psychology 2070A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Naturalistic Fallacy, Belief Perseverance, Learned Helplessness

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Chapter 2- the self in a social world: the self is made up of four things. Self-schema- beliefs about the self that organize and guide the processing of self-relevant information. Possible-selves- who we might become; what we dream of, or dread becoming in the future. Social identity- the group concept (eg. i am catholic) Social comparison- evaluating yourself, by comparing to others. Our success and failures, how people judge us, and the surrounding culture have an in uence of our self concept. Planning fallacy- the tendency to underestimate how long it will take to complete a task. Impact bias- overestimating the enduring impact of emotion- causing events. Immune neglect- the human tendency to underestimate the speed and strength of the psychological immune system which enables emotional recovery and resilience after bad things happen. Low self esteem has increased risks of depression, drug abuse, etc. People who have high self esteem and are narcissistic are the most aggressive.