Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Papar, Inferior Parietal Lobule, Frontal Lobe

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List the four course themes, identify and generate examples of each. Describe the effects of feedback and format in police lineups. Describe the relation between confidence and accuracy in memory. Given talairach coordinates, identify quadrant of brain. Give picture of neuron, label parts (dendrites, cell body, axon hillock, terminal, synapse) Give picture of brain, label broca"s and wernicke"s area, identify the primary language functions associated with these areas, and the symptoms of the aphasias resulting from damage to each area. Cognitive science interdisciplinary study of the mind uses methods and findings from a variety of disciplines. Challenge of cognitive science we are interested in the inner workings of the mind, which we cannot directly observe or measure we can only observe the input and the output, not the representations and processes. List the 4 course themes: identify and generate examples of each.