Psychology 2320A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Convergent Validity, Systematic Desensitization, Evil Eye

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Prerequisites for a social conscience first occurred during the 17th century: john locke influenced present-day attitudes and practices of childbirth and child-rear- ing raised with thought and care. Believed in individual rights and expressed the opinion that children should be: jean marc itard first documented effort to work with a special child care, treatment and training. Concern for children with mental and behavioural disturbances began to rise in conjunction with two influences: with advances in general medicine, physiology and neurology, the moral insanity view was replaced by the organic disease model. Early attempts at biological explanations for abnormal behaviour were highly biased in favour of the cause being the person"s fault. Clifford beers sought to prevent mental disease by raising standards of care and dissemi- nating reliable information. Because the paradigm was based on a biological disease model, intervention was limited to persons with the most visible and prominent disorders. Development of the disease was considered progressive and irreversible.