Sociology 1025A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Herbert Blumer, Critical Thinking, Androcentrism

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Chapter 1: seeing &acting through the lens of sociology. Choices are not from our own actions based in personal choice, but embedded &influenced by larger social forces o o. Family, friends, life chances &societal norms all influence decisions. Choices we make have an impact on people around us &society. Norms society"s expectations for how we are supposed to act, think &look. Normative behaviours, appearances &thoughts that correspond to society"s norms. Micro level the level of individual experiences &choices. Macro level the level of broader social forces. Life chances the opportunities an individual has in life, based on various factors including stratification, inequality, race, ethnicity &gender. Agency people"s capacity to make choices, which then have an impact on other people and on the society in which they live. Underlying aspects to society, not just what we see. Sociology the systematic study of society, using the sociological imagination.