Sociology 2105A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Capital, Gain Capital, Social Evolution

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Some argue that youths delay entering into the workforce is a choice due to the lack of pressure there is to get married and have children. This theory is not applicable to developing and underdeveloped countries. Mass educational institutions have been failing due to underfunding, overcrowding, and other issues. One explanation for this is neoliberal policies which shifted the responsibilities from the wealthy and governments to individuals and their families. Conservative functionalists view continued education/credentials as an individual and social advantage. Identifying and certifying talents and abilities, which provides social mobility based on merit. The expansion of mass higher education systems is a part of a social evolution where universities perform a socially necessary role that no other institution could provide. Elite university systems accommodate 15% of the country"s population of youth. Mass systems accommodate 30% of the country"s population of youth. The evidence for this theory is based on a correlation between wages and the years of school attended.