Sociology 2239 Midterm: Second Midterm Notes

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Normal form: genuine moral regulation (moral = interrelate, recognize each other), just (equal opportunity) are denied/overlooked = lawless unconstrained struggles) - not solidarity. Forced form (overreg): ppl in power act out of self-interest/ego, policies protecting themselves. Mechanical: early societies, unity based on similarity, shared collective conscious. Organic: modern, solidarity through dissimilarity, must cooperate and depend on each other for survival. Anomic form (no reg): promotes (cid:498)contrary results(cid:499) (mutual contributions. Society is set of interconnected groups and individuals. Collective consciousness: totality of beliefs and sentiments common to average citizens. Role of the state: most serious probs of anomie/forced inequality can be reduced without destruction of capitalism. Durkheim"s solution: professional groupings or occupational groups (ppl that understand the general interests/needs of most citizens) Capitalism must rid itself of anomie, egoism, class conflict, forced inequality. Freedom is not the absence of constraint and cannot exist if moral and legal rules are eliminated from the economy and other spheres of social life.