PS102 Midterm: midterm-review

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Document Summary

Intelligence tests: used to measure general mental ability. Aptitude tests: to assess your specific abilities. Reliability: in order to test for reliability we use 2 tests test between two variables. Test-retest reliability: comparing subjects scores on two administrations of a. Correlation coefficient: numerical index of the degree of a relationship. Content: do the test items logically represent the content. Criterion (specific): do the test items correlate with the things we want to. Construct (theoretical): do the test items correlate with theoretically related. Galton"s sensations: iq is the biological sensations that could be quickly perceived. The quicker your ability to perceive, the higher your iq. Binet"s mental age: the ability of a child associated with a particular age. Terman"s iq: (ma/ca)x100 or (mental age/chronological age)x100. Popular for use in hiring for a job. Wechler"s deviation scores: standard deviation scores within a normal distribution. Wais: adult intelligence scale: word fluency 2. Fluid intelligence: reasoning ability, memory capacity, speed of information.