WS100 Midterm: WS midterm review

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In preparation for the midterm exam, be sure to have read online lessons/modules 1-6 under your course. 1-5 and the articles assigned from your course reader for weeks 1-6 on your. The midterm exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions derived from the following review questions: be able to define the following terms, gender. Characteristics that one uses to distinguish themselves between the different sexes. How one expresses themselves regardless of their sex. Gender refers to how we are socialised into particular male or female roles in society. Gender concerns what it means to be a woman or a man in society, it involves the way society creates, patterns and rewards our understandings of femininity and masculinity. Defined as the way our society organizes understandings of sexual difference: patriarchy. A system where males dominate because power and authority are in the hands of adult men.