ADMS 1010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Formative Stage, Reasonable Doubts, Gad Horowitz

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Political socialization; the process of learning and passing on from generation to genera- tion the values, norms and attitudes that constitute political culture. A process through which individuals acquire political values, beliefs, attitudes, information and opinions. Formative stage is important but socialization is an ongoing process. There are as many definitions of political culture as there are students of political culture. Political culture refers to a pattern of orientation, beliefs, values, feelings, assumptions, and understanding about political phenomena that exist in a given collectivity. Frequently, political values, beliefs and attitudes are crystallized and represented by var- ious symbols. Values cherished by canadians: the foremost cherished value is democracy (which includes; popular sovereignty, political equality, political freedom, majority rule and pro- tection of minorities, rule of the law, tolerance) The main differences between canadian and american political culture; 5- caution/ diffidence, dependence and nonviolence vs. bold, adventurous and risk tak- ing. Problems with using political culture as a unit of analysis: