CHEM 1500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pepsin, Chymotrypsin, Coronary Circulation

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Also, the amount of pesticides and fertilizers needed to supply the thousands of acres in the us and abroad are seeping into the soil, affecting groundwater and the ambient environment. Soil depletion is also a negative effect of mono-cropping. Because farmers are no longer rotating their crops and replenishing the soil of essential nutrients, the soil becomes dry and begins to erode. As the soil becomes arid and useless, the need for more land becomes an issue which just leads to the destruction of even more land. Another side effect of mono-cropping is the displacement of indigenous peoples: these drugs have been used for decades to effectively treat a variety of bacterial infections. If left untreated many of these bacterial infections would have been deadly. Unfortunately, because of worldwide overuse and misuse of antibiotics, common bacteria are becoming resistant to treatment with these drugs.