HUMA 1105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kleos, Aeaea, Atreus

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Hesiod greek poet active around 750-650 bc, around the same time as homer. The muses daughters of zeus, nine of them, they address hesiod, taught him: Mastery of owing song. associate the muses with pleasure. Kronos son of ouranos, father of zeus and leader of the titians until he was overthrown by zeus. Son of kronos, most powerful god of them all, overthrew his father and has control over everyone. Swallowed his wife metis, ensuring she won"t have any sons to overthrow him and gave birth, through his head, to athena (virginal). Hera seduces zeus to get what she wants. Hera is commanded by zeus, and she is not happy. So she makes him fall asleep where she can have sex with him. Demeter the greek goddess of agriculture, fertility. The goddess who controls all crops and vegetation, and so the sustainer of life for men and animals.