HUMA 1970 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Geoffrey Pearson, Romantic Epistemology

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Geoffrey pearson moral panic occurs around every 20 years regarding childhood. Michael foucault responsible for the term discourse . Things could be different in the back, geneology. John locke (82) tabula rasa (blank slate) discourse, children as being capable of education, he rejected the idea of how children are born with original sin. Jean-jacque rousseau romantic philosopher, children are born pure, close to nature. Uncrc 54 legally binding articles to protect children s rights, not been ratified by usa and. Charles darwin (112) new science of child science, kept diary on his son doddy, following. Agency capacity to shape, influence or impact their own social world, new social studies of childhood reco gnizes children as agents of social change, but you must be critical. Jean piaget (126-135) development discourse, children develop through stages but creates an idea of universal childhood. Belief that other cultures are strange and inferior when really they are just different.