HUMA 2680 : Progress of Child.lit
Document Summary
Infant to age 7, they broke up ages differently. No division of room by age, it"s all communal so children are exposed, they see everything happening in the household, even servants were part of the household. Culture was essentially all oral, not everyone could read or had access to books: only royalty, church. Fables, romance, stories of bible, were children"s literature. Childrens books were used to teach, instruct, dictate behaviours, conduct. We"re talking about literature written specifically for children. Concept of who is that child, where did the concept develop from. No recognition of distinct children"s literature (there wasn"t anything written specifically for children) At this time, many children died at young ages, they died from infectious diseases and parenting was based on communal parenting. What is a child: 1440 creation of crest by guttenburg. It was thought at this time that there was no such thing as a child, children did not exist.