IHST 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Global Health, Cost Accounting, Germ Theory Of Disease
Document Summary
Ignores sdoh: social, political, economic causes of sickness: benefits: infectious diseases and contributes to curative orientation rather than prevention, mechanistic/ engineering model of the body: focus on/ fix on the part, individualistic, narrows care reductionistic. Reductionism in care: narrow focus (individual/ problem), ignores broader context (social, economic forces e. g. , poverty. Implications: removes responsibility from economic/ political/ social/ environmental forces/ decisions. Health promotion approaches can also be reductionistic when they focus on lifestyle rather than. Sdoh: just as biomedical reductionism focuses on the malfunctioning body part, health promotion reduction focuses on individual lifestyle practices (practices may not be choices, social nature of disease can be obscured. Saskatchewan took lead 1946 hospital insurance: 1962 medical insurance. Feds: hospital construction grant program 1948: 1958 hospitalization insurance, 1966 medical care services act. 1972 medicare in all provinces (much debate!) Medicare: what was covered and the order in which certain services were covered is important.