LING 1000- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

* governed by systematic principles, rules and constraints. * variable across groups of speakers and subject to change overtime. *written language is always secondary to spoken language or sign language, written language is a visual representation of spoken language* To describe and explain a speaker"s knowledge of learning. Competence refers to a speaker"s knowledge of language. Performance refers to a speaker"s overt use of language. A formal statement of the systematic principles, rules and constraints that characterize a native speaker linguistic competence. Attempts to describe the form and structure of observed linguistic behaviour. Rules represent knowledge that is acquired without avert instruction. Attempts to limit variation and change by establishing guides for how people should speak. Rules represent knowledge that has been learned though over intake. *do not split an infinite with an adverb. *avoid multiple negatives e. g i dont have no money (prescriptively dispreferred) vs. *a determined precedes a noun in an english noun phrase.