NATS 1880 Study Guide - Messier 13, Drake Equation, Globular Cluster

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Oca 12: the 1420 mhz(21cm) radio line generated by neutral hydrogen atoms is good choice for interstellar communications because: All intelligent civilization should be aware of its universal significance and would probably also think of sending and receiving signals at this frequency: any reply to a detected seti signal should. Represent a consensus of the earth"s population. In 1974 we transmitted a message toward the globular cluster m13 which is 21 000 ly away. Globular cluster contain, old, low mass stars with fewer heavy elements and hence are not ideal places for life: which type of signal could carry the largest amount of information. Large bandwidth: given that life on earth appears to have arisen quite easily and rapidly suggests that the factor flife in the drake equation could be close to. 1: the ratio of an organism"s brain weight to body weight is thought to be roughly proportional to its: