POLS 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: French Revolution, Cleisthenes, Civil Disobedience

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Explain how democracy developed in ancient athens by identifying the main protagonists, the democratic reforms, and the progress for democracy that the reforms represent. First experience of democracy in ancient athens in context of greek civilization - birth of democracy and rise of a political community known later as the city-state. Begins as an aristocracy and slowly develops into a democracy. Greeks discovered an equilibrium between citizens on one hand and the community (polis) on the other. Political participation in community = essential to expressing oneself, developing personal identity. Polis - local association created with aims to achieve common security - make life of the community and the citizen excellent. Athenian polis will not only be a set of institutions - but a way of life in which the individual de nes himself by way of political participation. City-states - relatively small political units - smallness reinforced participation - economic self- suf ciency.