PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Conversion Disorder, Panic Attack, Personality Disorder

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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Criteria for defining abnormality: statistical frequency - (i. e. , is uncommon, believed to not be normal , deviation from social norms - problem: what is deviant is highly dependent on the social norms, societal values at the time. Problem: how do we define what is maladaptive behavior? e. g. , is it maladaptive to have 3 drinks when stressed? what about other risky behavior like bungee jumping: psychological distress (e. g. , anxiety, fear, depression, sadness, etc. ) Problem: distress is not always experienced by abnormal people; for example, people in a manic state feel elated, but their behavior still interferes with their functioning and relationships with others. Important to note: distress is on a continuum, hard to know when something is a normal reaction and when it becomes a disorder. Definition #1: (definition in text book, official definition according to american. Psychological association): a syndrome marked by a clinical significant disturbance of a person"s cognition, emotion, or behavior.