SOSC 2150 : explanation

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Promoting healthy lifestyles: the socio-political dimensions of health. 1960"s to 1970"s is when a lot of social scientists/biologists began criticising more and more the family model. When health promotion and health policy in the context of neo-liberalism became more widespread (1990"s-2000"s) The commodification of the lifestyle perspective of health (the transformation of healthcare, when it became regarded as goods or services-a business) Emphasis on public policy also had an effect on commodification of lifestyle. Private corporate services, has profited greatly on notions of health via gyms, diets, fitness, exercise clothing/shoes. Mortality rate did not improve and thus people began questioning the efficacy of medical science. At the same time, the biomedical approach was unable to deal with chronic degenerative diseases: health promotion, structural model (health determinants) There was a canadian study done on the health care system: population health model in. He said there are three main threats to health: economic inequality, preventable diseases/accidents, chronic diseases.

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