HIST 162 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Samuel J. Tilden, Gilded Age, Jay Cooke

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The gilded age: time period after the civil war of economic expansion and corruption; gilded : covered in gold. Ulysses s. grant - republican - 214 electoral votes, prominent military war hero. Horatio seymour - democrat - 80 electoral votes, appealed openly to racism, viewed reconstruction as unconstitutional. Granted african-american men the right to vote. Congress had the power to enforce this. Ulysses s. grant - republican - 286 electoral votes. Horace greeley - democrat - 0 electoral votes, nominated by liberal republicans. Compromise of 1877: hayes became the president and removed the military districts from the south. Rutherford b. hayes - republican, became president. Samuel tilden - democrat, won the popular vote by small margin. 15 members, 5 from each branch with 8-7 majority republicans. March 2, 1877- 8-7 vote for hayes. Neither democrat nor republican supreme court judge who was discounted when he became a senator.