PSY 250 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Autism Spectrum, Neurofibrillary Tangle

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28 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Definition items (15 pts) choose 5 of 7. Short answer essays (25 pts) choose 5 of 7. Look at learning objectives at the review section at the end of each chapter. Make sure you are familiar with the main concepts they mention. Generally, if you did not attend the lecture for a chapter, i would recommend reviewing that chapter in detail. Otherwise, skimming for bolded terms and reading closely to clarify concepts you are unfamiliar with should be sufficient. Try the practice multiple choice from your book! You will be presented with brief vignettes about individuals with personality disorder features. You will be asked to match their symptoms with the personality disorder diagnosis that best fits. Schizoid introverted, isolated, show little enjoyment or little interest in families and social groups. Schizotypal difficulty forming relationships and magical thinking, social anxiety, paranoid thoughts, eccentric appearance. Antisocial disregard and violation of the rights of others, psychopath.