PSY-B - Psychology PSY-B 356 Quiz: B356Spring17Exam1Guide

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40 multiple choice questions x 2 points = 80 points. 5 short answer essay questions x 4 points = 20 points. Material presented in lecture and the textbook, chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6. A good general rule is to study especially well any topic covered in the posted lecture outlines. Evolution: process by which living things developed from primitive organisms through changes over time. Natural selection: animals with characteristics required to survive and breed within their environment leave descendants. Geology and paleontology age of earth, gradual change. Thomas robert malthus: theory of population growth survival of the fittest . Viability: whether inherited characteristic enhances the likelihood of survival and reproduction. Fecundity: whether inherited characteristic enhances number of offspring. Study of animal learning: e. g. , edward thorndike"s book animal intelligence -experiments with puzzle boxes showed that animal behavior is affected by its consequences.