MGT 315 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Goal Setting, Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory

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Why is motivation important: because it improves performance, lower compensation cost, and increase retention. Motivation effects behavior: direction intensity, persistence. Content theories: what motivates us? job characteristics theory, need theories (herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory) Process theories: how do behavior changes occur, expectancy theory, equity, reinforcement. Maslo(cid:449)"s hierar(cid:272)hy of (cid:374)eeds: basic level needs must be met before meeting higher level needs and reaching self-actualization. Herz(cid:271)erg"s t(cid:449)o fa(cid:272)tor (cid:373)odel: hygiene factors: if missing will lead to dissatisfaction, motivators: needed for motivation. Expectancy theory: what might problems that would lead to lower motivation at each stage look like, motivation occurs when the employee believes. Goal setting theory: goals need to be challenging and specific, do your best goals do not work as well, goals need to be challenging and specific instead of just saying do your best. Reinforcement theory: behavior is a result of consequences. Punishment: give something bad or something good was taken away.