HD FS 229 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Moro Reflex, Ecological Systems Theory, Confounding

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Individual differences- 1 person being studied across the lifespan collecting data on what makes each child unique. General development- studying people as a group and finding a normal average . School life affects how: exosystem- not typically in the child"s daily life, but it trickles down into it, macrosystem- not an actual place; policy/cultural value; indirectly affects you are at home parent"s job the child. Cultural views on education: chronosystem- all systems are constantly changing and evolving. Gene- environment correlations: passive correlation- young children; parents chose the child"s environment for them, it also correlates with their genes, example: reading. Infant skills: reflexes, moro reflex- reach out and cling when the baby perceives that they are falling, palmar grasp- if you put something in the babies palm they will wrap around it i. If they are not present at birth, it tells us that there was a problem during the pregnancy or while giving labor.