PSYCH 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Classical Conditioning, Auditory Cortex, Retina

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21 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 1: the science of psychology: case study: Information gained cannot be applied to other cases. May be the only way to obtain certain information. Cannot generalize information to other people: control group: group that is not exposed to the independent variable, correlation: a measure of the relationship between two variables. Correlation coefficient: a number that indicates the strength and the direction of a correlation. Positive coefficient: variables related in same direction; change in same direction. Negative coefficient: variables related in opposite direction; change in opposite direction. Strength of the relationship: the farther you are from zero, the stronger the relationship between those two variables: dependent variable (dv): variable that represents the measurable response of. Related to explanation out of the 4 goals of psychology. Independent variable (iv): variable that is manipulated in an experiment: laboratory observation: involves watching animals or people in an artificial but controlled situation, such as a laboratory.