MGMT 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Regulatory Flexibility Act, Administrative Law Judge, Equal Opportunity

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Prior to the fda creation the department of agriculture was in charge of food safety. 2 main concerns prior to food/drug acts. Takes on average /4b and 12 years to get fda approval. Labeling had to be honest and informative. Standardized serving sizes and listed on packaging. Gave department of agriculture power over meat/poultry. Determines what is fresh, frozen, or preserved. Low fat means 3g or less per 100g. Low calorie means fewer than 40 per serving. Lite/light means 1/3 fewer calories than comparable product. Changed standard to reasonable certainty of no harm . 1967 national commission on product safety. 1972 consumer product safety act: created the consumer product safety commission. 20m injured and . 5b economic loss annually. Socially conscious ~ independent ~ economy-wide ~ apolitical neutrality. Injury information clearinghouse: collects and analyzes consumer-product injury reports. National electronic injury surveillance system: accumulates consumer-product injury data from hospitals across the nation.