PSYC 311 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Parasympathetic Nervous System, Mangiafuoco, Echidna

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Lack of reinforcement decreases the probability of a response until it doesn"t occur any more. The animal learns that the reinforcement is no longer available. The probability of imprinting is determined by a critical period where fear is relatively low and motor ability is adequate. Sleep and wake states are part of the _______ cycle in the brain. % of rem decreases (related to neural growth) Endocrine glands produce chemical messengers released into the blood stream and attach to receptor sites. Following extinction, a period of rest, time passes and the response reappears when placed in the learning situation. For the most part, precocial birds are programmed (pre-wired) to attach a following response to the first moving body mass (stimulus) that they detect shortly after hatching Heart rate, body temp, and brain activity decrease. The _______ ________ is typically larger in males. What are the three types of feature detectors? explain them. Environmental information sensors: stationary object & dark detectors.