PSYC 311 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Fixed Action Pattern, Altricial, Sweet Potato

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What is the point of garcia and taste aversaion. Aversion is to the taste and smell. Kohler and chimpanzees find insight learning in chimps with extending rake to get bananas. Model action patterns the fixed action patterns that are most frequently occuring how quickly should reinforcement or punishment occur within . 5 seconds of response. Sign stimulus a stimulus that will triggers the fixed action pattern. B fibers partially myelinated axons with a velocity between a and c. Very flexible with high cost nodes of the ranvier gaps in the sheath. Fear-locomotor dichotomy the probability of imprinting is determined by a critical period where fear is relatively low and motor ability is adequate. Skinner skinner has the positions in a box, example of operant conditioning, keep pecking when food. Low higher brain material requiring low cost of cns. Retina has "featured detectors" critical periods there are optimal periods phases of great sensitivity to the moving stimulus.