PSY 110- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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PSY 110 Full Course Notes
PSY 110 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Psychology the scientific study of mind and behavior of people and animals. The mind is not the same thing as the brain. Readily available for experimentation, often at minimal . Previously, people believed that we were wholly rational creatures and that made us different from other animals. Freud introduced idea that our personality is shaped largely by early childhood experience. Watson thought we should only measure behavior. Pavlov"s dogs: dogs don"t learn to salivate whenever they see food. This reflex is hard wired" into the dog. in behaviorist terms, it is an unconditioned response (i. e. a stimulus-response connection that required no learning) Skinner wrote extensively on language learning, programmed instruction, philosophy of science, and politics. Developed operant conditioning behavior is determined by consequences. The whole experience is more than the sum of the parts (opposed. Gestalt effect the capability of our brain to generate whole forms instead structuralism and behaviorism) of just collections of simpler and unrelated elements.