BIS 2A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chemical Energy, Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bond

97 views3 pages
18 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Higher potential energy -> lower potential energy. G = change in chemical potential energy. Unfilled valence shells - very unstable and reactive. Covalent bond - electrons are unequally shared if partners differ in electronegativity. After electron is transferred, there"s a drop in potential energy. Potential energy is determined by both the structure and the concentration of a molecule. The amount of energy released ( g) dictates the net direction of the reaction. It doesn"t dictate the rate of thereation. Go" of a reaction refers to the g of a reaction at standard conditions. Take electron from x and pass it on to y. Some steps are endergonic under standard conditions. Spend 2 atp to get 4 atp. Gives us 2 atp, 2 nadh, & 2 pyruvates. Allows a heterotrophic cell to make some atp by harvesting the energy difference between a large and a small molecule, pus some redox (gaining.