HDE 100B Midterm: HDE100b - midterm lectures

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27 Apr 2019

Document Summary

What"s important to society informs what sort of research questions we. The research findings we produce then informs society. The life - span perspective (4m - plastic) Lecture 1 - the science of human development. Seeks to understand how & why people of all ages & circumstances change or remain the same over time. Stability is just as important as change. A multidisciplinary science (aka human development is a multidisciplinary science) We draw our inferences from objective evidence. We are trying to better society with science. But we need objective data, instead of subjective. The scientific method (we draw evidence by using the scientific method ) Continuity - continuing on path through development. Ex: improvements in memory in childhood is continuous. Critical periods & sensitive periods (developmental timing) Ex: phonemic awareness in first 6 months. Ex: learn language between ages 1 -3, you are more likely to be fluent in that language.