CISC103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scripting Language, Internet Protocol, Https

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Document Summary

Internet: computers and wires and rules for how to connect those computers and wires network of networks, thousands of smaller networks, anyone can use it, terribly hard to regulate. Cold war computer story with soviets and bombing. *must be able to communicate with each other* *must be able to add and remove computers* Tcp-ip = the basic set of rules for how computers communicate on the internet. Phone companies set up a computer network any company or organization can connect to our high speed wires and computers now they can make $ on the computer/internet. Tcp = transfer of data - how it is broken up 7 reassembled to be sent across the internet packets. Ip = internet protocol address - a unique address that identi es every computer and device connected to the internet. Client/server model = built on top of tcp-ip web server that is waiting to serve you what you need.