[CLT 3370] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 25 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Cosmogony- world, universe; a story that explains the origin of the world. Theogony- god; a story that explains the origin of the gods. Hesoid"s theogony- chaos came, and from a chasm gaea came out, then came tartarus (abyss), then eros (sexual impulse) Oceanus- the ocean stream at the equator in which floated the habitable hemisphere. Rhea-mother of first olympians and wife of cronus. Hecatonchires, cyclopes, and titans were forbidden to emerge from earth by. Cronus threw uranus" genitals into the sea when uranus came to gaia. From the foam of the sea, aphrodite was born. From drops of blood, erinyes(furies, keepers of justice) was born. Cronus rules over a world filled with titans,cyclopes, hundred handed giants and new monsters born to gaia. Uranus and gaea warn cronus that he would be overthrown by his kids. Cronus swallowed them as soon as they were born.