PSYC 1F90 Chapter 12: psychology Chapter 12.docx

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Document Summary

Personality: a person"s unique and relatively stable behaviour pattern, consistency in who you are, have been and will become. Character: person characteristics that have been judged or evaluated; a person"s desirable or undesirable qualities. Temperament: the hereditary aspects of personality, including sensitivity, activity levels, prevailing mood, irritability, and adaption. Personality traits: a stable, enduring quality that a person shows in most situations. Personality states to stabilizes around age 3 and continues to harden through age. Behavioral genetics: the study of inherited behavioral traits and tendencies. Hereditary has a sizeable affect on us 25-50 % of personality traits. Personality type: people who have several traits in common. Introvert: a person whose attention is focused inward; a shy, reserves and self- centered person. Extrovert: a person whose attention is directed outward; bold and outgoing. Self-concept: a person"s perception of his or her own personality traits. Build self concepts out of out daily experiences.