CHEM 2OB3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Tupperware, Polystyrene, Steric Effects

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25 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Homolytic bond cleavage forms radicals - uses single-barbed arrows (fishhook arrows) to show movement of single electrons. Carbanion is sp3 hybridized trigonal pyramidal: difference in geometry results in different nonbonding electrons (0 vs 2) Vast majority of situations only require one pattern unpaired electron next to a pi bond an in allylic position. Resonance-stabilized radicals are even more stable than tertiary radicals (lower bdes) Vinylic radicals are not resonance stabilized do not have a resonance structure: vinylic radicals are even less stable that a primary, do not confuse vinylic and allylic positions radical. Radicals are not observed to undergo rearrangement (unlike carbocations) Mechanisms 1 and 6 are the reverse of each other. 2 and 5 are the reverse of each other. Reverse of 4 is 4, and reverse of 3 is 3. 1 and 6 has two fishhooks, while 2-5 have 3 fishhooks.