THTRFLM 2T03 Chapter Notes - Chapter 23: Cinema Of The United States, Jerry Goldsmith, Don Ellis
Document Summary
New american cinema had to express the frustrations and concerns of american society. Mostly either modern or popular and a new electronic style appeared. G, m, r (need an adult <17) and x (only over 17) Restricted ratings can really affect the success of a film since teens are a huge consumer. Most modernistic score created for a popular hollywood film. Nightmare-like consistently disturbed mood with very unusual instruments. Aluminum mixing with bowls, ram"s horn, inverted brass instruments. White human is trapped in a world dominated by black apes. Symbolizes: african-american"s struggles against prejudice and an oppressive government. Only x-rated film to win a best picture oscar. Epic science fiction film; evolution of ape into man into higher form. Composed new music but then kubrick threw it all away and used borrowed music. Reestablished the tradition of an adapted classical score. North"s opening song: sprach zarathustra is a memorable musical moment that should have been maintained.