ENT 601 Chapter 5: Customer Discovery

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Chapter 5 custo(cid:373)er dis(cid:272)o(cid:448)er(cid:455), phase 2: (cid:862)get out of the buildi(cid:374)g(cid:863) to test the pro(cid:271)le(cid:373): (cid:862)do people care? (cid:863) In this phase hypotheses get turned into facts by actually testing them. The first step in running a test of your business model hypotheses is to design simple pass/fail experiments for each text. There is a constant loop from hypotheses design experiment test insight. The pass/fail tests gi(cid:448)e (cid:455)ou a (cid:862)good e(cid:374)ough(cid:863) sig(cid:374)al to pro(cid:272)eed. Tests: tests do(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e to (cid:271)e a(cid:272)tual (cid:272)ode, hard(cid:449)are or real produ(cid:272)t. most of the time you can mock up the web page or create a demo/prototype to elicit valuable learning. If you get a strong reaction from 4/10 people it is ok to stop and declare success: the goal is to look for a global maximum. Insight: the main goal of tests is to look past the data and decipher insight.

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