PSY 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Reciprocal Altruism, Ammassalik Island, Prefrontal Cortex
Document Summary
Culture: a program of shared rules that govern the behaviour of members of a community. 2)a set of beliefs, values, and attitudes shared by most members of that community: a way a person identifies themselves. Individualist cultures: those in which individual goals and wishes are prized above duty and relations with others. To answer the question of whether someone is smart, you have to understand the cultural environment in which that person lives. ^culture can influence the score you get on a test. ^when you are asked about your race before a test, you tend to do worst. Societies vary dramatically in the conceptions of normal sexuality e. g. dr kellogg in u. s. , ammassalik inuit society, sambian society of papua new guinea. They dream of persuading everyone else to be just like them. They envision having all cultures together in perfect harmony without much effort. The sociocultural perspective suggests we would be well-advised instead to.