PSYC 2650 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Parallel Computing, Color Vision
Document Summary
Rare disorder, one of the accompaniments alzheimer"s syndrome (sometimes observed elderly). Generally this disorder can result from various injuries to the brain. Someone with this disorder is fully able to recognize the people in their world but she is utterly convinced that these people are not who they appear to be. That the people they are seeing are imposters and their loved ones have been kidnapped (or worse). One line of evidence comes from neuroimaging techniques. These scans suggest a link between capgras syndrome and abnormalities in several brain areas, indicating that our account of the syndrome will need several elements. One site of damage in capgras patients is in the temporal lobe particularly right side of the head. This damage in capgras probably disrupts circuits involving that amygdala, an almond shape structure-in the intact brain- seems to serve as an "emotional evaluator", helping an organism to detect stimuli associated with threat of danger.