CCT324H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Fiedler Contingency Model, Situational Leadership Theory, Transformational Leadership
Document Summary
Ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Source of influence may be formal or not. Influential power outside from formal structure may be more important. Managers need to formulate plans + create efficient structures + oversee day-to-day operations. Considered personality, social, physical, intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from non- leaders. Not useful unless with big 5 personality framework. Predict leadership, but more so predicting leader emergence than effectiveness. Ohio state studies: 2 dimensions of a leader behavior. Consideration job relationships that reflect trust and respect. University of michigan studies: 2 dimensions of leader behavior. Employee-orientated emphasizes interpersonal relationships and most powerful dimension. Production-orientated emphasizes technical aspects of the job. Trait theory: leadership is inherent, identify leaders based on traits. Behavioral theory: leadership is a skill set and can be taught to anyone, must identify behaviors to teach potential leaders.