MGT363H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Information System, Decision-Making, Railways Act 1921
Document Summary
Means authority pushed down to lower org levels: managers need to search for best combo of vertical control & horizontal collaboration. Info systems make communication up and down the hierarchy more efficient. Information systems: use of cross-functional info systems: computerized info systems can enable managers or front-line workers throughout the org to routinely exchange info about problems, opportunities, activities, or decisions. Info systems encourage employees to build relationships all across the org. Task forces temporary committee composed of representatives from each org unit affected by a problem; reduces info load on the vertical hierarchy. Integrators need excellent people skills, often have a lot of responsibility but little authority. Called matrix design: horizontal grouping employees are organized around core work processes, the end-to-end work, information, and material flows that provide value directly to customers, virtual network grouping most recent approach to departmental grouping. Here org is a loosely connected cluster of separate components.