BIOA02H3 Chapter 31: Chapter 31 - Textbook
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Chapter 31 animal origins & the evolution of body plans. 31. 1 what evidence indicates the animals are monophyletic. Unlike bacteria, archae, and most microbial eukaryotes, all animals are multicellular. Animals develop from single- celled zygote into a multicellular adult. Fungi are also heterotrophs, but unlike fungi, animals use internal processes to break down materials from environment into organic molecules they need most. May have resembled modern choanoflagellates, protists that are closest living relatives of animals. Gene sequence, such as the ribosomal rna genes. Organization and function of hox genes that are present in all animals. Types of junctions between cells that are present in all animals. Animals have a common set of extracellular matrix molecules, ex. First few cell division of zygote = cleavage (# of cells doubles) Different cleavage patterns exist amongst different animals. During early development of animals, distinct cell layers form, which later develop into organs and organ systems.