HLTA02H3 Chapter 15: Chapter 15 notes

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28 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Inequalities of wealth and income produce unequal life chances and opportunities for material and social rewards poverty translates into homelessness, ill health, short life expectancy, etc. Income inequalities is an important dimension of social stratification there are wide income disparities among canadians. A significant number of canadians live in poverty the number of poor people was nearly 5 million in 2003 and the poverty rate was nearly 16% Child poverty figures follow the same general pattern in 2003, 1. 2 children lived in pover at a rate of ~16. 7% Poverty rates are relative low for two parent families and quite high for families with single parent mothers. These income disparities produce an inequality of opportunities and life chances, and have negative outcomes for individuals in low income and poor families. Poverty of opportunities and family income levels are factors detrimental to healthy child development and child well being.