HLTA02H3 Chapter 15: Chapter 15 Notes
Document Summary
Inequalities of wealth and income produce unequal life chances. The number of poor people was nearly 5 million in 2003, poverty rate was nearly 16% Poverty figures fluctuate with economic conditions, particularly fluctuations in labour market. Poverty rates are relatively low for two-parent families and quite high for families with single-parent mothers. Certain groups face a high risk of poverty, these include: People whose participation in teh labour force is irregular. Income disparities produce an inequality of opportunities and life chances, and have negative outcomes for individuals in low-income and poor families. Poverty of opportunity and family income levels are factors detrimental to healthy child development and child well-being. Epidemiological data in canada and elsewhere show a persistent and pervasive association between socioeconomic status and health status. Those who are advantaged with respect to socio-economic status are also advantaged in health status. Those with high incomes, live longer, healthier, and more disability-free lives on average than those who are poor.